Sony India has launched a new range of professional memory cards catering to photographers and videographers. The G Series CFast 2.0 cards have been designed specifically to meet the storage requirements of DSLR and 4K cameras.
They offer writing speeds of upto 510MB/s and read speeds of upto 530MB/s. They offer Video Performance Guarantee 130 (VPG130) support for 4K video recording with a minimum speed of 130MB/s cited by the company. The cards have passed through various stringent drop, shock, vibration and rigidity tests working across a wide range of temperatures and are static resistant. They even come with a hard case and Sony File Rescue software which can be used with a card reader in a Removable Disk setting. This can help recover accidentally deleted photos such as RAW images and videos.
The CFast 2.0 memory cards will be available in 32GB(CAT-G32/T), 64GB(CAT-G64/T) and 128GB(CAT-G128/T) capacities for Rs.7,400, Rs.11,400 and Rs.22,100 respectively. They will be sold in all Alpha flagship stores, Sony Centers and major electronic stores across India.