Dell Technologies launched a new line of Inspiron laptops in India, including the Inspiron 14 and Inspiron 14 2-in-1. The new laptops are powered by 13th Gen Intel® Core™ processors, while the Inspiron 14 2-in-1 also features AMD Ryzen™ 7000 series processors. The devices have an FHD camera, dual microphones, and AI that reduces external noise. The camera also features a manual camera privacy shutter for safety. The devices include WiFi 6E for fast downloads. The Intel Thunderbolt 4 port enables you to connect to an external display using a display adapter while also providing high speed data transfer rates.
Commenting on the launch, Pujan Chadha, Director for Product Marketing, India Consumer, Dell Technologies, said, “The introduction of our new Inspiron line-up demonstrates our commitment to incorporating minimalist, modern designs that not only complement how users work but also how they live. With each new generation of Inspiron laptops, Dell pushes the envelope of possibilities by offering meaningful upgrades, and the new laptops truly exemplify our strategy.”
The Inspiron 14 2-in-1s are capable of sketching, designing, and streaming while on the go. The devices have a 360-degree hinge that allows them to be switched between four different modes: tablet, laptop, tent, and stand. They also have a touch screen and an optional active pen. Select Inspiron notebooks also use seamless logo technology in the lid, which helps reduce waste in the manufacturing process.
Pricing and availability
The new Inspiron devices will be available for purchase at Dell Exclusive Stores (DES) and select Large Format Retail starting April 07, 2023.
- The Inspiron 14 starts at INR 64,990
- The Inspiron 14 2-in-1 (Intel edition) starts at INR 79,990
- The Inspiron 14 2-in-1 (AMD edition) starts at INR 82,190