Sony India announced the new BRAVIA X70L television series with 4K Ultra HD LED display. Sony’s latest X70L TV series is available in 108cm (43) and 126cm (50) and has X1 Picture Processor. Images filmed in 2K and even Full HD are upscaled close to 4K resolution by 4K X-Reality™ PRO using a unique 4K database.
BRAVIA X70L comes with twin speakers that delivers 20-Watt powerful sound with Dolby Audio. X70L series has Google TV which offers smart user experience with unlimited entertainment through 10,000+ Apps and games along with 700,000+ Movies and television series. BRAVIA X70L supports Apple Home Kit and AirPlay that seamlessly integrates Apple devices like iPads and iPhones with the TV for effortless content streaming. The X70L features new bezels and comes with sleek smart remote with 6 partner keys to provide immersive entertainment experience.
Price and Availability:
Model | Best Buy (in INR) | Availability Date |
KD-43X70L | 59,900/- | 26th April 2023 onwards |
KD-50X70L | 74,900/- | 26th April 2023 onwards |
These models will be available across all Sony Centers, major electronic stores, and e-commerce portals in India.