Lava has introduced the Blaze 2 smartphone. Priced at Rs 8,999, Blaze 2 is India’s most powerful smartphone under 10K and comes with Unisoc T616 Processor with highest AnTuTu benchmark score of 255,298. It comes with an A75 big core architecture based octa-core processor along with 6GB RAM which is expandable by an additional 5GB of virtual RAM and 128GB UFS 2.2 ROM.
With the launch of Blaze 2, Lava is offering a 90 Hz refresh rate and a bloat-free android experience. It features a 16.51 cm (6.5-inch) HD+ IPS Display with 2.5D Curved Screen and supports Anonymous & Auto call recording. It features a side fingerprint sensor along with a built in 18W Fast Charger and Type C charging port. The device comes with promised upgrade to Android 13 and two years of security updates.
The smartphone comes with 13MP AI Dual Camera and 8MP camera for selfies. The smartphone’s inbuilt camera features include Beauty, HDR, Night, Portrait, AI, Pro, Panorama, Slow Motion, Filters, Motion Photo, Time Lapse, Audio Note & Intelligent Scanning. The device also comes with dual mic noise cancellation for superior calling experience.
The device comes with bottom firing speakers and a 5000 mAh long-lasting battery. It provides dual mic noise cancellation for superior calling experience. The device also comes with WhatsApp and Facebook application cloning to ensure multiple accounts seamless usage in a single device.
For a superior after-sales consumer experience, a ‘free service at home’ will be provided to the customers in which service will be provided at customers’ doorstep (Customers can avail the service within the phone’s warranty period). To avail Service at Home, click here:
Blaze 2 will go on sale exclusively on April 18th at 12:00 Noon on e-commerce platform To get notified, click here: