Happy Parents Lab, unveiled its internet filtering product, the Happinetz Box, at CATS Learning Centre, a learning and childcare space in Pune.
Priced between INR 4000-4500, the Happinetz Box is engineered to deliver a plethora of powerful features, giving parents a simple-to-use box to secure their child’s online experiences. One of the key highlights of the product is a mode-based categorization system, catering specifically to the needs of different age groups. The three distinct modes – Kid (for those under 13), Teen (for ages 13 and above), and Parent (for adults aged 18 years and beyond) – enable parents to fine-tune settings and create a personalised online environment for their children.
The product is integrated with Happinetz Central System, which employs advanced filtering capabilities to categorize more than 110 million websites and apps into 15 categories. This gives parents the ability to (except for Adult & Security and Safe Search) easily toggle these categories on or off, ensuring they can create a safe internet playground for their children. Another standout feature of this product is the Internet Schedule functionality that enables parents to set customized internet access limits tailored to their children’s unique needs and preferences.
Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Richa Singh, Co-founder and CEO of Happinetz said, “The launch of the Happinetz Box at CATS Learning Centre, Pune, marks a momentous milestone for us. We take immense pride in presenting families with a revolutionary solution that empowers them to managecharge internet usage. Our product is thoughtfully designed to address the genuine concerns parents have about screen time and exposure to inappropriate content for children aged 3-15 years. One of our core aims is to make this technology accessible to as many families as possible. To achieve this, we have implemented a pocket-friendly pricing strategy and chosen to launch in urban areas, with a specific focus on tier 1 and tier 2 cities in India, which house over 30% of the population. The potential market size in these areas is estimated to be a staggering 80 to 100 million people, with 25.68% falling within our target age group. As we progress, we remain dedicated to continuous innovation, driven by user feedback and evolving technology. Our goal is to create a digital environment where families can thrive, fostering responsible digital citizens of tomorrow.”
The launch also saw the founder of CATS Learning Centre, the education partner, Mrs. Shraddha Shah Raikar, talk about the ill effects of screen time on children. “Excessive screen time in early childhood has been linked to delays in language development and cognitive skills. It can also negatively impact attention span and the ability to focus on tasks,” she said.
Happinetz Box allows them to Whitelist or Blacklist specific domains through advanced customization. The product also comes with other useful features, including sending alerts for emergencies (like SOS), device disconnection, no filter, and ending internet time slots. Moreover, parents can easily add new devices, reset to default settings, and access more functionalities.