Asus has expanded its Zenfone range with the new Zenfone Max. The phone builds on the previous Max device with an updated CPU, more storage and the latest OS. It comes with 1.5GHz Snapdragon 615 octa-core processor, 32GB of internal storage and Android 6 Marshmallow OS. The base variant of Zenfone Max is priced at Rs 9,999 and is equipped with 2GB RAM, a 13MP rear-facing camera, 5MP front-facing camera, 5.5-inch HD display and 5000mAh battery that claims to give a standby time of 914 hours and a talk time of a whopping 37.5 hours.
The phone also sells in a 3GB RAM variant for Rs 12,999. Both variants are available in black and two new colours – aqua blue and orange.
The new phone announcement was accompanied by another, more glamorous one; that Asus would be roping in film star Sonakshi Sinha as itsĀ first brand ambassador.