Motorola has made its Moto 360 Sport smartwatch official for India. The latest wearable is now availableĀ on Flipkart for Rs 19,999. As the name implies, the watch is inclined towards consumers who have an active lifestyle and comes with strong silicone construction that keeps the watch and the band safe from sweat, fading or staining.
The variant now comes with a built-in GPS that allows the user to track the runs and cycle rides without having to take the phone to track the movements. It also has a heart-rate sensor that monitors the heart rate during an exercise.
Like the previous Moto 360, the sport version also runs Android Wear and comes with a 1.37-inch AnyLight Display that adjusts to natural light, Snapdragon 400 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 4GB internal memory with 512MB RAM, Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi and 300mAh battery.
The smartwatch is also IP67 certified that makes it resistant from dust and water.